Genesis 12:1

1 Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you.

We may think we trust God, but to actually step out in obedience like Abraham did would be hard. Even men and women who take the gospel to foreign nations have sending organizations, language schools, and detailed maps before they go. What would it take to actually pick up and leave, without even a destination in mind?

Sin breeds fear in us. We don’t trust because we’re not trustworthy. We have a hard time believing God can be trusted. Once we recognize that every breath comes from the Lord, every sunrise, every heartbeat, trust comes more easily. Abraham had enjoyed 20,000 breaths per day for 75 years. Each of those days had a sunrise and a sunset as God continued to guide the earth around the sun. When we open our eyes to His faithfulness, our obedience can begin to flow.

Prayer prompt: Lord, You have taught me to trust You from my first breath. Help me to step out in trust today.