Genesis 12:13
13 Say you are my sister, that it may go well with me because of you, and that my life may be spared for your sake.”
Abraham asked his wife to pretend to be his sister so he could give her to the Egyptians rather than have to fight to protect her. This is the very next story we get after Abraham’s grand display of faith in God’s promise to watch out for him. We do some strange things when we’re scared. How does Abraham go from such amazing faith to such pitiful cowardice?
Generally, we won’t be tempted to sell our wives as siblings to avoid getting murdered. But we are tempted, everyday, to trust our solutions, even horrible ones rather than God and His ways. When you’re scared God won’t be good you seek sin for pleasure. When you’re scared God won’t be true, you trust the world for wisdom. Remember God’s faithfulness so you can trust Him, especially when you’re scared.
Prayer prompt: Lord, help me to remember Your goodness all the time.