Romans 11:34

34 “For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?”

Kids ask why a lot. The scriptures tell us not to exasperate our children, and I assume telling them reasons for my commands can help them obey. It’s a good policy, until you can’t explain why and they still have to obey. That’s when they just need to trust that you know more than they do. God has to experience this so much more than even the best parent.

When Paul praises God’s wisdom in the verse above, he has just been thinking about something he can’t understand. Paul starts Romans 9 with anguish over the way his people, the Jews, have largely rejected Jesus. He ends chapter 11 with this exquisite statement of praise for a God so much higher and wiser than us. Without understanding, and even through tears, Paul can trust the wisdom of God. Ask yourself seriously if you trust God even when it doesn’t make sense.

Prayer prompt: Lord, teach me to look at the good You brought from the scandal of the cross that I might trust You with my much smaller worries.