1 Thessalonians 4:3

3 For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality;

We all want to know God’s will for our lives. We usually assume that He would tell us the perfect person for us to marry so that we would have the perfect marriage. We would hope He would let us in on the perfect vocation for us to feel perfectly fulfilled and successful.  We could live anywhere in the world, but where are we supposed to live? The Bible is so long already, why not add a page more with God’s will for our life?

Yet, this verse presents His will for us on a silver platter. I think you may have missed it on other readings of this part of the Bible because it is such a let down from our expectation! His will is our sanctification. His will is our growth in holiness. From that perspective, a bad marriage with a difficult job in a less-than-ideal city may best teach us to rely on Him and to act in selfless love. How can you pursue sanctification today?

Prayer prompt: Lord, help keep me focused on Your will for my life, that I would grow in holiness.