1 Corinthians 7:29a, 31b

29 This is what I mean, brothers: the appointed time has grown very short. …31 … For the present form of this world is passing away.

It seems like God is saying, “Live as though the world is about to end.” Well what does that mean? If the news came that a world-ending meteor was about to hit, what would you do? Steve Carell was in a movie where some people gave themselves up to pleasure, some just wept, and some, like Steve, fell in love. In other words, they tried, in a sad way, to do as much normal stuff as possible before the meteor hit. But what does God expect of us?

It’s not a meteor that’s coming, it’s God Himself. When He comes, it won’t just be annihilation, but judgment. With time so short, our priority must be to introduce as many people to Jesus as we possibly can! We can ache for Jesus to return, but we must work flat-out to get as many ready as we can. Who can you tell about Jesus?

Prayer prompt: Lord, please motivate me to work hard for Your glory!