Psalm 23:5
5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Where will my happiness come from if God forbids so much? He forbids me from even the fantasy of more than one lady (Matthew 5:27-28), from more than a little drink (Proverbs 23:29-35), even from the very American pleasure of wanting what my neighbor has (Exodus 20:17). How do I get pleasure when He outlaws almost everything the people around me love?
Remember where every pleasure comes from. The enemy has tempted us to abuse God’s pleasures but he can’t make pleasure for us. God gives us what we need for life. He promises to load a table with food in the presence of our enemies. He makes our skin and hair soft with oil, He gives us blessings until they fill us up then overflow! We will have to trust Him while we adjust to the pleasures as they were meant to be, but when we do we’ll feel a little bit of Heaven even here on earth.
Prayer prompt: Lord, remind me about all the good gifts You’ve already given.