1 John 4:19

19 We love because he first loved us.

Where does love come from? It’s a good question if you’re the Grinch, or like me, and your heart is too small. Looking at your kids and having to clean the same messes, or at your spouse and having to bear up under the same pains takes love. If we don’t have it we get ground down, easily angered, and confused by the pain. So where does it come from?

All love comes back to one source. The fruit all comes back to a single tree. If we are to know love that doesn’t end, love that grows and deepens, it all comes from Him. From God we learn that love never fails, that love is self-less, that love can make something ugly into something lovely. Maybe it’s better to think of it the other way, from love we learn that God is good. Go to God today to experience true love.

Prayer prompt: Lord, teach me love by showing me Your love.