Exodus 28:11-12
11 As a jeweler engraves signets, so shall you engrave the two stones with the names of the sons of Israel. … And Aaron shall bear their names before the Lord on his two shoulders for remembrance.
Who could forget their kids? I’ve forgotten to grab them water bottles or get them forks for dinner, and one time left one in a car for 15 minutes, but I’ve never had to be reminded they exist. Yet many Christians think God has forgotten them. How can you know that He remembers you, that He thinks of you?
Aaron the priest was given a fancy outfit. It was beautiful, and it was incredibly meaningful. On the shoulders, God told Moses to place onyx stones set in gold and to engrave the names of the tribes on the stones. Of course the engraving wasn’t a reminder for God, but a reminder for Israel. His love for them, His thoughts of them, are set in stone. What will you do with love that will never go away?
Prayer prompt: Lord, if Your love never fades, why do I look for love in other places? Help turn my heart always to You.