Matthew 7:12
12 “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.
The Golden Rule works perfectly because you know how you’d like to be treated in any given situation. But if you zoom out a bit, do you really know what is best for you? I don’t think in a million years we would have come up with the kindness God shows us in Christ. Jesus invades our rebellion and dazzles us with His perfect life of love before dying with forgiveness on His lips.
As eternity-altering as that is, it also sets the Golden Rule in a whole new light. If Jesus’ love is the standard of what’s possible, we now have a new standard to hold ourselves to. That is how we must treat others. We should show them lives of obedience to God, show them lives shining with love for God and for them. Then, when necessary, we sacrifice our time, money, or even life to lead them to God.
Prayer prompt: Lord, teach me to remember the way You saved me so I will work to lead others to You.