Matthew 9:13
13 Go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.’ For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.”
Jesus said that. I think most everyone thinks of Jesus as a nice guy, so maybe it isn’t surprising to attribute this quote to Him. But if you become aware of what God thinks about your sin, suddenly the sentence takes on incredible dimensions. Matthew the outsider, the sinner and tax collector had just been recruited by Jesus while the Pharisees stood by, judging. Then Jesus opened up an entirely new side of God; one the Pharisees had never seen.
It is necessary to be in need to receive grace. It is necessary to be in debt to be forgiven. It is necessary to be in suffering to be granted mercy. The Pharisees couldn’t receive these gifts from God because they refused to admit their need for them. What does your posture before God allow you to receive? Are you sick? Jesus stands ready to heal.
Prayer prompt: Lord, I confess my sickness; please give me the mercy of your presence.